Ion Mobile Game
Game Design
Chornobyl R&D Institute approached us to help create a game story for an outreach campaign for kids called "STEP to Safety."
We designed and built a comprehensive game experience with a simple storyline. Our team handled game design, interactions, UX mapping, concept art, 2D/3D assets, motion graphics, app architecture, and coding.
To reduce abandoned radioactive sources, minimize terrorist threats, and protect citizens' lives and health, Chornobyl R&D Institute launched the "STEP to Safety" ("KROK do Bezpeky") public outreach campaign with support from the United States Department of State and the Amnesty of Ionizing Radiation Sources project.
The amnesty program aims to help the Ukrainian government reduce the number of abandoned sources by encouraging and assisting in their return. It also aims to disprove the idea that there is a demand for illegal radioactive materials.
The best way to reach teenagers and high school students is through their language: games. So we created a teenage hero named Ion, who is curious about the world and explores it, searching for ionizing radiation sources. During virtual journeys, Ion faces fierce enemies: alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radiation. To defeat them, Ion needs agility, intelligence, and knowledge.
Through gameplay, we teach practical and theoretical knowledge, introduce potential dangers, explain protective measures, and instill appropriate behaviors in children's minds.
A mobile game that promotes practical awareness through the kids around problems of radioactive materials and overcoming the consequences of radiation accidents.